September 15 – November 12, 2012


National Gallery Dimitri Chevardnadze
National Museum of Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia



Bibliography :


Vera Pagava, Tbilisi, (cat., Tbilisi, Galerie Nationale Dimitri Shevardnadze du Musée National de Géorgie, 15 septembre – 15 octobre 2012), Tbilissi, Ministère de la Culture de Géorgie ; Paris, Institut Français, 2012



VERA PAGAVA AFFICHE mail version 494X714mm

Vera Pagava, Tbilisi



Vera Pagava, Tbilisi is the first retrospective in Georgia dedicated to the work of Vera Pagava. Through a selection of more than forty artworks, photographs and letters, the exhibition highlights the stylistic evolution of the artist and its historic context. 


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